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Thursday, February 11, 2010

2010 Winter Olympics

The opening ceremonies for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver begin tomorrow, Friday, February 12, 2010. The ice skating competitions, both individual and couples, have to be my favorite. Takes me back to when Peggy Fleming was America’s sweetheart. And of course the skiing events are always big on my list for excitement. And who can forget the snowboarding and luge events? Wonder what thrills we will see this time?
So you know where I will be…watching and rooting for America to bring home the Gold!!
Good Luck and Godspeed to all of the athletes who are competing. Remember, you are already champions just for making it this far.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Who Dat gonna beat my Saints?? It sure wasn’t the Colts!! 31-17!!
I have waited a L O N G time to see My Saints go to and Win a Super Bowl.
Party in the MIA and on Bourbon Street!! Geaux My Saints!!

My only question is…Does the interception made by the Saints count as
a Pass Completion for Manning??!!!! LOL (very LOUD)

Geaux Saints!!!

Super Bowl Sunday!!

Hello everyone. Getting ready for Super Bowl Sunday and just wanted to say, "GOOO SAINTS!!", "WHO DAT?", and of course "PARTY IN THE MIA"!!
I am a born and bred New Orleans Saints fan from way back when and am so proud of my Home Team!! Wish I could be in MIA, but will console myself with watching with my new home theater system...Thanks Santa!!
Once again...Go Saints!!


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